Monday, May 10, 2010

I'm practically a FARMER!

Look at my tomato! I've never grown anything that I could eat before! This tomato was quite yummy. I probably would have enjoyed it more if I had refrigerated it for a while, but it was good none-the-less! Anyway, I was very proud of myself for keeping my plant alive long enough for it to feed me! Maybe I don't have a black thumb after all!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Warning! Bikes Bite Back!

Okay....try not to laugh at me. I took my new bike out for a spin. I'm really not used to the racing handle bars yet!! I caught my wheel in a crack between the grass and sidewalk and...well, the results speak for themselves. My knee is a little worse for wear, but other than that it seems the bike and I escaped largely unscathed. Thanks for the birthday helmet, Shelley! My noggin didn't hit the pavement, but I felt better falling knowing that my head hitting wasn't my biggest concern. I had to remind Steve that the very first run I went on left a similar mark on my left knee. Actually, I think it was worse because you can still see the mark from it. Anyway...I'll have to get back in the saddle asap. I can't let a silly bike...well...make me look silly! :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's almost my birthday (just two more hours until I'm OFFICIALLY 29!), but my big present arrived via UPS yesterday afternoon! My parents and my in-laws contributed cash so that I could buy this beautiful bike! I haven't aired up the tires yet (I don't have a pump yet) and it needs a little tweaking (It came broken down in a box and I had to put it together) and I still need to go get a helmet (just in case!), but I couldn't be MORE EXCITED!! Sorry I look a little ratty! I'm still a little sweaty from my evening run! Anyway, I'll keep ya'll updated about how the bike adventures progress....hopefully I still remember how to ride one! HaHa!

Cantaloupe with a candle

Who wouldn't LOVE this birthday cake! I told my Mother-In-Law that I wanted a "Cantaloupe with a candle". I really didn't want to have to regret having my birthday cake, so I was just not going to have one. She really one-upped my idea (drilling a hole in the top of a cantaloupe and shoving in a candle!) with this. The best part was eating my whole cake without any guilt!! Who gets THAT for a birthday present?!