Monday, December 7, 2009

Holy Cow!

Ok, those of you who get this in your e-mail are going to have to actually come to my blog site today! ( The cow on the ticker at the top of my page is doing something I didn't think I'd see. I'm currently (well, it hopefully will change at today's WW meeting, but since I'm not psychic, I'm going with last weeks numbers) at 181.6lbs. That means I'm only 1.6 pounds from my first goal of 180! I'm already trying to decide where to put my next goal, but to be perfectly honest, there was a part of me that never believed I'd get this close to my first goal. I went to the doctor the other day and was described as "disgustingly healthy" due to my weight loss efforts. (Well, except for the heartburn I was there about! LOL!) The doctor actually gaped at me for a minute when I said how much weight I had lost. I wanted to tell her to pick her jaw up off the floor! :) Well, here's hoping that this afternoon brings more good news!