Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Universe may not hate me after all!

Ever had one of those weeks? Last week had me believing that everything, including my hair, was conspiring together to irritate, frustrate, and just plain make me miserable. It started when they re-cast my arm. I was really looking forward to NOT being a clumsy buffoon with a flourescent cast. When they re-cast it, I truly was depressed about the whole thing. Then, I was frustrated at home because I felt like it was a mess and I had no time to clean it. Also, I was very frustrated with a friend that's been staying with us. I was trying to grow my hair out and it was at this akward stage where it looked really bad and mullett-y. One of my co-workers was wigging out on me and making work really stressful. Anyway, it just added up to where I couldn't stop crying by Friday. I was rediculously stressed out and frazzled and it was also showing up in my eating. I was having a real hard time focusing on eating right when that was the only thing that I was enjoying. It was the first time since I started WW that I didn't want to go. I was almost in tears about it Sunday and my sweet MIL told me that I didn't have to go if I didn't want to. I told her that no, I would go if only because I wanted to stay responsible for my actions. I will tell you that Monday almost sent me into tears again, but in a good way. I had spent the day getting the house mostly clean. I caught up all the laundry. I got the grading done that I had brought home. I cut my ugly hair into a very cute shorter style (that's not the best picture of it, but you get the idea). Then, when time came for WW, I walked up to the scale and lo and behold, I was down 1.8lbs! That was just enough to push me to my 60 lb star. I really almost lost it because I was steeling myself for the opposite result. I guess it just goes to show that things can work out even when they seem to all be moving the wrong direction. On a note of things working in my favor, it would also be appreciated it you would pray for my arm to heal. I'm still having pain which I fear means that they will say it's not healed next Tuesday. I really don't think I can stand to be in a cast any longer than my current sentence. Please say a prayer that God will heal it quickly so that I can get the cast off for good this time!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Stupid Orthopedist!

Apparently, something that all humans do naturally, I suck at. I suck at healing. I went to the orthopedist's office yesterday and was scheduled to get my cast taken off and get a temporary splint. However, when I said it still hurt they made a face at me. Then, after the X-ray, they said I hadn't healed as quickly as a "normal" person. (Really, I don't think the name calling was necessary! :) ) Anyway, they said I had to get a new cast. To ease my depression over this, I decided on hot pink for my new cast color. The chick put it on kind of tight and it's a little uncomfortable (You can scroll down to the purple one and see that it's bigger looking). Then, when I got to school the next day, all my kids wanted to sign my 'new' cast. Because I didn't want to listen to that over and over for the next two weeks, I decided to decorate my cast. I got a dark Sharpie and drew swirls all over the front and back so that there was no room to sign on it (*Mwah hahahahaha!* >:) ). I guess now I just need to convince my body I'm 'normal' for two weeks so I can get this ding-dang cast off for good next time!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fun with Mentos and Soda

This is a video I compiled of our Mentos and Soda experiments at school. We were teaching the kids scientific method by having them write out the different parts of the experiment and develop their own hypothesis about what would happen. It was a lot of fun and even though you can't see the kids on the video, you can hear them screaming in the background. If you want to see more, I have still pictures and lab write ups posted on the website I keep for the 6th grade at school. The address is http://wbms6thscience.weebly.com .

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Broken Arm Can't Stop ME!

I really thought that this silly arm was going to sideline me until the cast came off. However, I was actually down 5lbs. this week! (Actually, two weeks because we had to miss for Labor Day.) I'm surprised I'm keeping up my 2lb/week average, but I think walking a lot in class and adding in breakfast and vitamins might be helping.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Pretty in Purple

Ohhhhh....Ahhhhhh! It's purple! They told me not to work out because I could 1) Fall and make it worse 2) have a really stinky cast. I'm kust going to have to try to move more without sweating and watch my food really closely. The other good thing is that I only have to wear this for 3 weeks and then I should get a removable cast that I can take off so I can bathe my arm. They also said I could drive my manual transmission car....Yeah!