Saturday, October 31, 2009

He's such a PIG!

What? Who did you think I was talking about?? :) This is my new class pet. He is a 3 pound gray guinea pig. I really feel like the "pig" part of that name really fits him considering he's so big he looks like he's part rabbit! The kids voted on what name to give him and my Dad's offering of "Chew-bacca" won by a landslide. He tries to eat my buttons and clothes everytime I hold him! He's really sweet. He was rescued by a friend of my Mom's who found him being totally abused by two other pigs. One of his back legs was so chewed on that he couldn't even use it. She rescued him and nursed him back to health, but when her grandson's parents wouldn't let the pig move to their house she needed to find him a new home. She gave me a really great deal for him, a cage, food, litter, and medicine (he's kind of prone to upset tummies). I passed out field trip permission slips and guinea pig permission slips (just for my own legal safety) on the same day. I got back 30 field trip permission slips and 100 guinea pig permission slips the next day! I have kids begging to clean his cage everyday. Considering that he's a giant rodent, I really don't mind the kids doing the nasty work since I'll have to do it all summer. I've already got volunteers to keep him for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break. I'm hoping I can continue to use him as a bribe to get the kids to behave. :) I'll keep you updated on his antics!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Back in the saddle again

Well, now that I'm cast-free, I was able to work out this week. I went on Wednesday to the gym for the first time and did 30 minutes on the elliptical. It was so ridiculously hard! It seemed to last forever. Then, on Thursday, the lock on the gym door was broken and I couldn't get in. I went back home and then went for a walk. I decided to skip some and ended up walking for a full hour. It wasn't even CLOSE to as hard at those 30 minutes at the gym (although, my legs and buns were burning pretty good the next day! :) ). Then, on Sunday, I went again and did 50 minutes and it wasn't any big deal. I think maybe that at that first workout my body was just shocked that I was finally working out again after 5 weeks. Hopefully, I'll be able to work back up to an hour a day at least 4 times a week like I was at before. I made it into the 180's today and it feels so weird to be so close to my first goal! In less than 10 pounds I will be at my first goal. I'm hoping that I can do it in the next 5 or 6 weeks. Wish me luck! :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Third time's the charm?

Well, I'm going to see the orthopedist again today and we're gonna see if he lets me out of this cast. My arm feels mostly good at this point, but I'm about ready to cut this cast off myself! It's making me bonkers with how tight it is and frankly I just feel gross and dirty having it on at this point. My co-workers have recently (playfully of course) accused me of carrying plague on my cast. Not that I can blame pink does not age well! :) I did have a very good WW week despite still not working out. Sally completed her first week of maintenance. What's funny was that she said that working out less was the hardest part! :) I'll update if the orthopedist makes me keep the cast, but I'm praying he won't! Wish me luck!