Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Pig Pen

No, not the Charlie Brown character with the dirt swirling around his head! The kind for guinea pigs! It actually has taken me 2 weeks to post this because I couldn't find the picture on my computer! Anyway, this beautiful cage was accomplished with the masterful help of my father. He came up to school and I invited all my students who had no missing work for the 2nd 6 weeks to come help build Chew-Bacca a new cage. (He's the gray lump at the very front of the cage. He was being camera shy.) Anyway, turns out that if my father had not come as overly prepared as always we would have had to scrap the project for another day. The little plastic parts that hold the sections of his cage together had this big round bottom that was making the cage fall off the counter and making the pan for the litter not fit. Dad had fortuitously packed a small power saw and we were able to cut our problems down to size. Chewy has since gotten several new toys to fill of some of the space, but love doing laps around the outside. The kids bring him carrots and papertowel tubes on a regular basis and he is simply in guinea pig heaven. By the way, Dad, the kids told me several times to say "Thank you!" Who knew 11 year olds even knew that word?? :)

Kissing 70

Well, leave it to me to make things complicated. I was 0.8 lbs. from my 70 pound star last Monday. After a full week of procrastinating about exercise and eating more of my points in sugar than can possibly be good for me, I'm 0.8 lbs. from my 70 pound star. ARRRGGHHH! Now, being that I'm always overly ambitious when I shouldn't be, my goal is to make it through Thanksgiving and get my star on the other side of it. I'm hoping that the days off will lead to extra activity that will boost my metabolism and Thanksgiving is at my house this year for the Vaughn family so there is A LOT of sweaty cleaning in my very near future! The other thing I realized is that I'm only 20 - 30 pounds from my ultimate goal. I give it as a range because I'm not really sure where my body will feel comfortable. I haven't been below 160 since middle school so I'm not really familiar with how those weights feel. Anyway, the good thing is that I'm about to get to update the ticker at the top of this blog with a lower goal! I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanskgiving full of family and love!