Tuesday, March 30, 2010

85 pounds and counting....

I have been very negligent in my posting. I've actually lost another 5 pounds since this photo compilation because I've waited so long! I've been running and training for my half marathon (only a week and a half left to the official run!) and I've gotten a total of 85 pounds off since last February. I feel like a totally different person! I can't even believe my weight is actally in the 160's! I still want to lose another 15 pounds (to get 100 pounds off) and I only have 9 weeks to get it done in! The 9 week timeline is until the end of May and I want to do that because I have to do 6 weeks of maintenance with Weight Watchers to be in Lifetime and I want to get it all done before our vacation at the end of July...time is ticking! Also, I ran a practice half-marathon (just to see if I would be tempted to die on the race course! :) ) Sunday before last and posted a semi-respectable time of 2hours and 25 minutes with the wind gusting really hard. I was pretty darn proud of myself! I'll post more soon!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Two of these things are not like the others....

Okay, for those of you who are carfully observant, the picture with two little girls is from the eighties and the one with four is fairly recent. However, I saw it and was struck at how much my twin sister's quadruplets look JUST like us at a similar age! If my Dad had more gray and less hair in the picture with me and Shelley I might almost think he was holding two of Shelley's girls! (Don't worry Dad, I know the more gray and less hair part is the fault of all of us kids!) Anyway, it was just a fun picture comparison!