Monday, June 29, 2009

I'm Baaaack!

Sorry for my absence from the Blog-0-sphere. I've been suffering from laptop withdrawal. They don't let me keep my school issued laptop during the summer and I didn't realize how COMPLETELY spoiled I was to that thing! I've barely used a computer since May! Anyway, I am now down a total of 41.6 lbs! Yeah! I actually found a picture of me taken 4 days after I started WW in February and the difference is more than I realized(I'll have to remember to post it later with a current pic for comparison.). My current goal is to lose 11.5 lbs by the cruise. If I don't quite make it it won't be the end of the world, but it would feel good to be under 200 when I plan on wearing a bathing suit much of the time!

Hopefully I'll get over my laptop issues and blog a little more regularly! See you next week!